Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Read Before I Was a Blogger

This week I’m linking up with Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl for Top Ten Tuesday. Check out her blog for a new prompt every week.

The official topic today is “Books on My Summer 2023 to-Read List,” but I did that one a couple of weeks ago when I joined the 20 Books of Summer reading challenge. Instead, I’m doing an old TTT topic that was originally posted in April of 2013:

Books I Read Before I Was a Blogger

I started this blogging thing over 13 years ago, and before then I read tons of books, most of which I didn’t keep track of. But, here are 10 that still pop out in my mind:

THE COLOR PURPLE by Alice Walker
Read: 1996 | My favorite novel. Full Stop.

LUCKY by Jackie Collins
Read: 1987 | My grandmother and I did a buddy read of this book when I was 16. We loved it! Remember the Lucky Chances TV mini-series in 1990? It starred Sandra Bullock and Nicollette Sheridan. I need to track that down and watch again.

Read: 1994 | I love non-fiction that reads like a novel, and Midnight does just that. I read the hardcover when it came out in 1994 (still have my signed copy), and listened to it on audio a few years ago. Loved the performance by Jeff Woodman!

Read: 1993 | Besides DRACULA, this is the best vampire story ever.

DEAD UNTIL DARK by Charlaine Harris
Read: 2008 | Besides DRACULA and INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE, this is the best vampire story ever! Seriously, I loved this book. I’ve read it at least three or four times. I’ve read about half of the series, and just need to make time to finish it.

THE CONQUEST by Elizabeth Chadwick
Read: 2006 | Excellent medieval fiction set during the Battle of Hastings time period. I’ve read a few other books by Chadwick, and have many more of hers on my wishlist.

Read: 2005 | Hmm, I’m sensing a theme here. Another compelling historical novel set during the Battle of Hastings. This is part of Llywelyn’s Celtic World series, but the only one I’ve read (so far).

SILVER’S EDGE by Anne Kelleher
Read: 2006 | While I’m not a big fan of the Fantasy genre, back in the day I came across a few books that I did enjoy. SILVER’S EDGE and the rest of the series were a lot of fun. I think this was one of the first books published by Harlequin’s LUNA imprint.

RANSOM by Julie Garwood
Read: 2005 | Prior to 2010, historical romance was my go-to genre, and I especially loved Scottish/Highlander novels. RANSOM was my favorite! I still have a special book club edition on my shelf. I am sad to hear that Julie Garwood passed away just a few weeks ago. She was a Kansas native and lived in Leawood, KS, which is very close to my home.

DAUGHTER OF FIRE by Quinn Taylor Evans
Read: 2005 | Here we go again with a fantasy/romance combo! I remember greatly enjoying the Merlin’s Legacy series, based on the children of Merlin. The books are still available on Kindle under the author name Carla Simpson. It may be time for a re-read soon.

It’s fun to see how my reading tastes have changed over the years. What about you? Do you remember your pre-book blogging faves? Thanks so much for stopping by! β€” 𝓓𝓲π“ͺ𝓷π“ͺ

19 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Read Before I Was a Blogger

  1. I love both The Color Purple and Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Fun fact: my in laws lived two doors down from Anne Rice when she lived in New Orleans.


  2. I was sad to hear about Julie Garwood too! I’ve only read a few of her books, though. What I’ve read I’ve enjoyed. I will check out Ransom for sure! Great alternate TTT! I’d like to do this one. :)


  3. We’ve been blogging for the same amount o time!

    I actually was not a big reader before blogging but Ann Rice & Charlaine Harris were two I read (& re-read) often.


  4. I loved The Color Purple and Interview with the Vampire, too! I will have to add Dead Before Dark to Goodreads. πŸ“š

    When I started blogging, it will be ten years this September, it was mainly to promote YA books and then Middle Grade, but around three years ago I started reading more like I used to before blogging: Literary Fiction, High Fantasy, Science Fiction, and classics. I do still read a good bit of MG, but almost no Young Adult. πŸ“š


  5. I’ve to say I read more romances before my blogging days. Nowadays it’s more of a suspense thriller genre for me but I’m telling myself to read more varieties so that each reading journey always offer new perspective. ;)


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