Thoughts on Books (#29): Never Tell

Three enjoyable and/or thought-provoking short stories from the Never Tell collection (Amazon Original Stories). I’m always excited to see a new collection drop.

The Other Side of the Road
The Other Side of the Road by Andrea Bartz
My rating: 4.5 stars

A nosy neighbor pesters a young couple who’ve just purchased their dream home in upstate New York. With a baby on the way, they’re ready to nest, not feel uneasy in their own home with the guy across the street always watching. This was a fun quickie thriller that went in a totally different direction than what I was expecting. Very creepy and twisted.

The Ghost Writer
The Ghost Writer by Loreth Anne White
My rating: 4 stars

A ghostwriter is summoned to the remote island of a reclusive author with a dark past to pen her memoir. Is she ready to finally spill her secrets? Maybe start with what happened to her previous ghostwriter? If you’re a fan of those old vintage gothic paperbacks, read this atmospheric short story. Another twisted and satisfying ending.

The Bad Friend
The Bad Friend by Caroline Kepnes
My rating: 3.5 stars

The Bad Friend was a bit different from the other short stories I’ve read from this collection. It was very unsettling, and downright depressing too. I did like how time moved quickly over the main character’s lifetime to see the consequences of her actions. This is what happens when you’re never satisfied with what you’ve got.

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