Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Was Super Excited to Get But Still Haven’t Read

This week I’m linking up with Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl for Top Ten Tuesday. Check out her blog for a new prompt every week. Today’s topic:

Books I Was Super Excited to Get But Still Haven’t Read

This one made me giggle, because I’m notorious for obsessing about getting my hands on an upcoming release, then having it sit unopened on my bookshelf for months (or years). Why am I like this?!? I guess the main reason is “so many books, so little time.” Here is a small sample from my TBR stack that fall into this category:

Lisa Jewell
“[A] scintillating new psychological thriller about a woman who finds herself the subject of her own popular true crime podcast.”

Erin Kelly
“[A] taut, mesmerizing novel about a daughter haunted by her father’s legacy…”

Megan Shepherd
“[A] complex tale of dark magic, family secrets, and monsters that don’t stay on the page.”

Katherine Arden
“During the Great War, a combat nurse searches for her brother, believed dead in the trenches despite eerie signs that suggest otherwise, in this hauntingly beautiful historical novel with a speculative twist.”

Adrienne Young
“A deeply atmospheric story about ancestral magic, an unsolved murder, and a second chance at true love.”

Alice Feeney
“[A] locked-room mystery when a family reunion leads to murder in a delightfully twisty and atmospheric thriller.”

Emilia Hart
“A riveting debut that explores witchcraft and female intuitive powers, told over five centuries through three connected women.”

Kirsten Miller
“[A] gloriously entertaining and knife-sharp revenge fantasy about three women whose midlife crisis brings unexpected new powers—putting them on a collision course with the evil that lurks in their wealthy beach town.”

Kate Pearsall
“In this beautifully dark and enthralling YA, four sisters with unusual talents investigate a mysterious disappearance in their secluded Appalachian town.”

Lindsay Currie
“[A] chilling story about a twelve-year old girl who must face down the most notorious ghost in her haunted East coast town to stop a centuries-old curse that threatens to destroy everything…”

Maybe a new goal for me this year is to tackle these ten books, because they all still sound amazing. Should I move any of these to the top of my TBR? Let me know your thoughts! Thanks for stopping by! — 𝓓𝓲𝓪𝓷𝓪

20 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Was Super Excited to Get But Still Haven’t Read

  1. None of these are on my shelf, but I have heard of some of your featured authors and am embarrassed to say, well, I have WAY too many books fitting this category. ;)


  2. I buy faster than I read. I’ve got over 110 ish to get through, which I could do if I didn’t read anything else for a year or so. The problem is Blog Tours and Library books. Libraries are being threatened with closure so I try to get books there. I take my 2 sons with me to bulk up the numbers (one is 5 years old, the other is 10 months old 🤣)

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog 

    My post:


  3. Weyward anguished on my tbr for a while… but it was a great read once I did pick it up! And I have but haven’t read The Warm Hands of Ghosts – loved Arden’s Winternight trilogy but am off put by the WW1 setting. I didn’t include it in my list because it is a relatively recent addition!


  4. My TBR List stresses me out sometimes! I LOVED Spells for Forgetting. I also enjoyed Weyward, and knowing what you like, you might want to bump that one to the top of your list. :D


  5. I’m not surprised to find that over half of the books you listed are also on my TBR. I actually own a couple of them, unread of course. Ha! Yes, I always ‘need’ to have new books, but getting them all read – well, that’s another story. Enjoy these. I haven’t read any of them as yet.


  6. There’s definitely so many books and so little time. All of these look good. I’ve had my eye on Weyward and I want to read Alice Feeney. The Warm Hands of Ghosts looks really good too.


  7. I’m the same way! Once I own a book, the pressure’s off to get it read so I tend to totally forget about it altogether. LOL

    I’ve read two of the books on your list. NONE OF THIS IS TRUE was okay, but I loved DAISY DARKER. I need to read more of Feeney’s books.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!



  8. These all sound so interesting! Weyward and Bittersweet in the Hollow are ones I might just have to add to my own TBR. I hope you love all of these when you get to them!


  9. I think we’re ALL like this :) So many books to read — it’s impossible to keep up! I also bought a copy of Weyward a while ago and haven’t read it yet, but I know I still want to! I loved The Warm Hands of Ghosts — hope you do too, whenever you get to it.


  10. I’m so terrible about this though I am trying to read books off my shelves more often so maybe I’ll get better? I’ve read None of This is True (really liked it), Daisy Darker (liked it), and Weyward (DNF) but so many of these look great.


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