IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO ME by Alex Finlay #20booksofsummer24

Publisher: Minotaur Books
Publication Date: May 28, 2024
Source: Review copy from NetGalley
Rating: 4.5 Stars

IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO ME was an intense thriller. It touched on some heavy subjects and situations that added layers of depth to this twisty story.

Five years ago, Ryan witnessed his high school girlfriend being kidnapped just before he was knocked unconscious. Suspicion still fell on Ryan, and though he was never charged, his life was turned upside down. Now in law school, Ryan seems to have moved on, but thoughts of Alison continue to haunt him. Then her car is found at the bottom of a lake with two dead bodies inside, along with a cryptic note from Alison…

This book hooked me from the tense opening scene and didn’t let go! It was very entertaining and moved along at a breakneck speed. There is an intriguing mix of characters who at first don’t seem connected, but when the puzzle pieces come together, it’s so satisfying. I can’t say much more about the plot for fear of giving away spoilers, so you’ll just need to read it. Recommended to fans of compelling characters, crime thrillers, and Alex Finlay’s previous books!

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for a digital copy of this book. Thoughts are my own.

11 thoughts on “IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO ME by Alex Finlay #20booksofsummer24

  1. I haven’t read any of this author’s books up to now. This one sounds like a good one and I’ll try to check it out. Thanks for your thoughts on it!


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