Weekend Update: Indie Bookstore Love

Hello! This week I’m linking up with The Sunday Salon on Readerbuzz and Sunday Post on Caffeinated Reviewer. Thank you for hosting, Deb and Kimberly.

I posted this on Instagram, but I wanted to share here too. Last Sunday, my daughter and I shopped at three local woman-owned indie bookstores. Two of them opened within the past few months, which I think is pretty awesome! I got every book that I was looking for, plus my daughter found something from each store too.

We were discussing which bookstore’s aesthetic we liked best, then decided each one had something unique that we loved:

My reading has been very good over the past couple of weeks. I finished my first classic of the summer on audio. I seem to enjoy classics more when I listen to them. Anyone else? Then I follow up by renting the movie. Here’s what I’ve read since last time:

by Jane Austen
Audiobook | 4 Stars

by Lana Del Rey
Library Loan and Audiobook | 4 Stars

by Ann Claire
NetGalley DRC | 4 Stars | My Review

by Alex Finlay
NetGalley DRC | 4.5 Stars | My Review

by Carinn Jade
Edelweiss DRC | 4 Stars

Loreena McKennitt is celebrating the 30th anniversary of her 5th studio album, The Mask and Mirror. It was released in 1994, which was around the time I first discovered and fell in love with her music. I’m still waiting for her tour to come close enough so I can see her live. I’ll leave you with a clip of Santiago, one of my favorite songs from the album. β€” 𝓓𝓲π“ͺ𝓷π“ͺ

21 thoughts on “Weekend Update: Indie Bookstore Love

  1. I’ve reread a couple of Jane Austen books recently too… She is really remarkable. Northanger Abbey will probably be my next one, as I haven’t reread it in a long time, and I always liked the part about the laundry lists.

    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com


  2. Yes absolutely, I agree about listening to classics. My preferred method is actually as immersion reading for classics, it helps me to better connect with the time and characters. Those new indie book shops sound delightful, glad you got to visit them!


  3. I keep saying I need to listen to classics on audio, because I think I would enjoy them more, but still haven’t done it. I love visiting bookstores and I am glad you found three you could enjoy. Have a great week!


  4. I’ve been wanting to try out some indie bookstores around here. I saved a map of many of them that was posted to celebrate Indie Bookstore Day a while back. These look wonderful.

    I have been curious about A Cyclist’s Guide to Crime & Croissants. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  5. Each of the those bookstores sounds delightful! I wish we had an indie bookstore in our nearest small city. Well, we do, but it’s a used bookstore, so it doesn’t carry new books. I find things there occasionally, and I also sell to them when I am pruning my collection. But it would be nice to have a new bookstore other than B&N and Books-A-Million.

    I love Loreena McKinnett’s music, but I don’t think we own that album. I’ll have to keep an eye out for it.


  6. I watched a film adaptation of Northanger Abbey (so fun!), but never read the book. How awesome that you live close to three indie bookstores! I also read and enjoyed If Something Happens to Me.


  7. Glad you had fun with your daughter, the indie bookstores all look nice. Your review made me add the Alex Finlay book to my wishlist. I need to listen to a classic on audio, I’ve been hooked on audiobooks lately.


  8. Three indie bookstores in a day! That sounds like the perfect way to spend a day. I am glad you found everything on your list too! You have been reading some great sounding books lately! A Cyclist’s Guide to Crime & Croissants is on my wish list. I hope you are having a great week!


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