
Hi! I’m Diana. Welcome to my bookish corner of the web. I discovered the joy of reading in the mid-1990s during college when I picked up a copy of The Color Purple by Alice Walker. Years later, my husband suggested that I start a book blog, and once I figured out what that was, Book of Secrets was launched. It all began on the Blogger platform in March 2010, then moved to WordPress in 2013.

For my day job, I work in special education. I’m the mom of one adult child and one almost-adult child. I’ve enjoyed sharing my love of reading with them. We have a sweet & sassy chihuahua named Ginger who is the heart of our family. Besides reading, I enjoy walking, yoga/stretching, Halloween, abandoned places, daydreaming, and Pre-Raphaelite art. 

My blog features reviews and recommendations of ARCs and DRCs, plus books borrowed from the library, and purchased for my own shelves. I post my reviews on Goodreads, LibraryThing, and some retail sites.

I enjoy books from a variety of genres, including:

  • Thrillers
  • Mystery/Cozy Mystery 
  • Mild Horror
  • Suspense/Gothic Suspense
  • Contemporary Fiction
  • Literary Fiction
  • Historical Fiction
  • Young Adult
  • Middle Grade
  • Non-Fiction (depending on the subject)

I love connecting with other readers and being a part of the book blogging community. Find me around the web via the social media buttons on my sidebar.

Please note: I am not accepting review requests at this time, unless they are from a publisher that I am currently working with, because my TBR stack is toppling over.

My disclosure statement is HERE.

For questions please contact Diana at: bookofsecrets [at] outlook.com