
This site is a personal blog written and edited by me, Diana @ Book of Secrets. This blog does not accept any form of cash advertising, sponsorship, or paid topic insertions. However, we will and do accept and keep free books from publishers, publicists, and authors in exchange for an honest review.

The owner of this blog will never receive monetary compensation in any way from this blog. The owner of this blog is not compensated to provide opinions on books, products, services, websites, and various other topics.

The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog owner’s own. We will only endorse products or services that we believe are worthy of such endorsement.

This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.

Please note: I am not accepting review requests at this time, unless they are from a publisher that I am currently working with, because my TBR stack is toppling over.

For questions please contact Diana at: bookofsecrets [at] outlook.com

To get your own policy, go to: http://www.disclosurepolicy.org